the five senses

To begin this discussion about the senses we have to start off talking about the sense of sight and vision. I can still remember the day this picture flooded the internet with its controversy over being either black and blue or white and gold. To this day I stand with it being white and gold. I have tried so many things to try to manipulate my eyes to see black and blue, but nope it doesn't work. It amazes me! Congratulations on whoever took this picture, because now I am scarred for life thinking something is wrong with my vision. As we know, light enters our eyes through the lens and different wavelengths corresponds to different colors. The light then hits the retina that is found in the back our our eyes where pigments fire up neural connections to send to our visual cortex. Now usually, this process works as it should without us having to even think about, however with this specific picture some brains process the colors completely different. This leads us the the controversy of "well who is right"? I guess ultimately, this is where we get to the  topic of how every one is unique and see things in their own way. 

Our next topic of discussion about the sense relates to the sense of touch and feel. I knew I related to this sense the most, because of learning what my love languages were back in high school. Physical touch was close to the top. Say you are just having one of days where nothing seems to be going right, but at the end of the day you have someone to hold you and tell you that everything is going to be alright. Yeah, that's my kind of love. The science behind the sense of touch, is almost minimal. However, from some research we have learned that the sense of touch is probably one of the most important aspects of growth for infants. The aspect of being deprived from touch before the first two years of life can cause problems that are not only neuropsychiatric problems but also growth, gastrointestinal, and immune underdevelopment. I can now understand why 'baby cuddlers' are so important at hospitals.


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